Chi sono

Donato Nappo Architect: Innovazione e Sostenibilità nel Design Contemporaneo
Con oltre 25 anni di esperienza, Donato Nappo Architect si afferma come leader nel design industriale e nell'architettura d'interni.
La sua expertise abbraccia vari ambiti, dalla progettazione di prodotti al contract d'arredi, dall'architettura d'interni navale ed automotive a quella residenziale e commerciale.
Come Design manager, negli anni, ha acquisito forti competenze tecniche e manageriali, in diverse società multinazionali gestendo e supportando numerosi clienti.
Attualmente è consulente per aziende, offrendo servizi di design, progettazione ed art direction, docente universitario a contratto di design e co-fondatore di Modular Mobile Architecture, uno studio specializzato nello sviluppo di nuovi concetti per l'abitare contemporaneo e sostenibile, occupandosi di progetti residenziali, commerciali, retail, glamping e hotel, con l'obiettivo di migliorare la qualità della vita attraverso soluzioni modulari, efficienti e rispettose dell'ambiente.


CH61 yacht interior design

Loft LB interior design

Yacht S01 interior design

Archicab: Modulo 03 evolution

Renault_AI_02_Magnum restyling

Renault_AI_01_Magnum restyling


Romea interior design details

Romea bistrot interior architecture

OvO tree-house

OvO tree-houses


Freed-home mobile house produced by Crippaconcept

Freed-home mobile house produced by Crippaconcept

Furniture design: NOmadeBED


mini roulotte Elnagh concept

Elnagh Prince camper
Esperienze professionali
Pirelli Tyres Spa, Fiat Group Spa, PiMakina Group, Thule-Konig Group Spa, SEA Camper Spa, APT Group, Ullmann publishing, Gribaudo-Feltrinelli Spa, ESPIN Spa, Inrebus technologies, Designmotion C.A. ,Crippaconcept, Chabaud Parfums, NOmadeDESIGN, Leasys Spa , ALU SpA, ,Editoriale Domus Spa, Fincantieri Spa, ,Mobismart, Esseduearredocamper, Dyloan-Istituto Numen..ISIA Pescara
Case history

Transportation design
"Modulo 03 concept truck". A visionary project become reality? Finally the European Council has approved the adoption of truck cabins with a more prominent and aerodynamic front for the same space for goods to cushion the impact with pedestrians, better protect the driver in the event of rear-end collisions and improve driver comfort (more space for bed, bath and shower in the cabin). Practically my Master's degree thesis...year 1995!!! "Module 03 concept". published on Tuttotrasporti nr.278 , Auto & Design nr.109, and Corriere della sera, winner of numerous design awards and exhibited at the Saint Etienne Design Biennial in France and at the Salone del Mobile in Milan!
Glamping design
OvO is a tree house conceived as a small shelter in contact with nature available in 2 versions.. Designed by Modular Mobile Architecture, built and produced in Italy
The almost maternal form, inspired by nature brings it closer to the archetypal forms that are in ours collective memory and makes it incredibly contemporary. The result is a mini housing unit, meditative and playful, with a rational, minimal and emotional design. The functional core of the house is made of fabric recycled from awnings and is enclosed by a protective shell made of wood with strips coming from forests certified with respect for nature and the environment. ​OVO was presented in Milan during the Salone del Mobile @modularmobilearchitecture

Case Study House D.Nappo 012
Case study House is a new program of innovative modular eco houses conceived by Donato Nappo Architect, built using material from local suppliers to decrease travel and environmental impact. More info:

Interior design
International atmosphere and a slightly colonial breath in our creation for Romea Bistrot
​ by @modularmobilearchitecture
Furniture & Interior design

AI design
Starting from an old manual sketch of a '90 Renault Magnum restyling, I enjoyed using AI apps to test progress. Controlling the final result is not simple, but interesting. What do you think? #genAI#artificialintelligence#runway#vizcom#truckdesign#automotivedesign
Product design